bismilallah photo bismillah-2.gif

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Actually this topic is quite ashamed to publish since it will exposed my bad side with my friends, but since this is an assignment so I have to publish it no matter what.

1. Conflict of Utilities
  • This conflict always occur at the end of the month when utilities bills arrived at home.
  • After shocked with the bills some of us will highlight who and what is caused the utilities bills increase so high.
  • The solution is we paid the bills and in the first few days we tried to save our utilities usage but at the end there is no change, it kept happened every month -_-".
2. Conflict of Understanding
  • This is regarding the understanding of independence way of life.
  • Some of us like to study at the earlier time and some of us will study last minute.
  • In this case there is no ending since the other one loves to study but only do his own life while the other one study last minute and blame the others for not advise him sooner.
  • At the end, they got dean list and both ways of life can be accepted.
3. Conflict of Bond Relation
  • Some of us rather spend time on girlfriend (calling for hours) rather than housemate.
  • Since I'm not on to girlfriend thing in which I don't have any, so I just feel they are selfish because a friend is in a need of friend, they don't even know that their housemate is in problem.
  • So we just spend our time with games, movies and so on. 
  • I am a man who doesn't like seeing a man with a woman together chilling out or happy laughing just like no restriction in Islam, I just assumed they don't know about 'Ikhtilat'. Walaupun sudah bernikah Islam tidak menghalalkan untuk keluar berdua, apatah lagi berseronok walaupun berada di khalayak ramai.
I guess that's it for my bad relationship with my friends, oh forgot to mention, all those stories are related with my life during my Diploma at UiTM Jengka. I think I should not tell more bad things about my friends, it is not good.

Below are some of my pictures with my friends and classmates. I followed class trip vacation only after being forced by my classmates.

Rompin Beach Resort
Rompin Beach Resort
Rompin Beach Resort
Rumah Anak-Anak Yatim
Having Steambote at the end of last semester


Patrolling UiTM at 2 a.m - 4 a.m

Raya Aidilfitri Celebration at Maran


Watching movies after BBQ
Cooking for Iftar

Class Pic

Class Pic
Class Pic

Friday, October 24, 2014


A Good Deed is so worthy if it comes from our heart, "ikhlas Lillahi Ta'ala."

In this video it shows a man who loves to help other people around him from different type of ages and also helps the animal and the trees. He always helps them without hoping any return from them, he is very happy by helping other people.

There is a quote said that:
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."

I'm definitely agree with the quote, Islam also encourage people helping each other without considering any return. There is also one meaning from the Hadith saying that "sedekah satu, Allah akan balas dengan sepuluh kali ganda."

The return doesn't necessarily in the same kind we give but it can be, and the form of giving doesn't necessarily in form of money, it can be in form of energy support or moral support.

One story regarding the Sadaqah that can be taken as an example for us is a story from the companion of Rasulullah, the great sahabah Saidina Ali (R.A) Karramallahu Wajhah, where he donate one Delima to an old women and in return he get 10 Delima from Rasulullah. Actually the story is quite long but I just want to stated the main point which is one we give, we will get back 10 in return. We just have to have faith in Allah, He is the one who is The Most Powerful.

After you watched the video there is an act of mocking by some people, yeah that is a bad thing to do, supposedly we should support other people doing the good things even the return is in form of happiness or etc. Mocking other people is not a good thing to do, it will only cause something bad if you mock people who likes to keep hatred in them.

Therefore, we should change our behaviour and do not ever do something bad towards others, just helping them especially the one who in need. Help people around us even it is a small thing to help. Me myself feels really happy by helping others and I am so eager to participate in the 'Community Service' on 8th November.

"The Joys Of Helping Others"

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Firman Allah Taala:
وَذَكِّرۡ فَإِنَّ ٱلذِّكۡرَىٰ تَنفَعُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِين
Yang bermaksud:
'Dan tetaplah memberi peringatan, kerana sesungguhnya peringatan itu bermanfaat bagi orang-orang yang beriman. "
(Surat Adz-Dzariat ayat 55).

Here I just want to share several links from Youtube Channel that I always watched during my leisure time. All those links are regarding the Islamic talks from the Muslim speakers. Those are powerful reminder that has been visualize and put an english subtitle into it from the original audio itself and some of them are taken directly during the speaker doing the talks.

My favourite Youtube Channel:

Quran Weekly:
Motive Islam:
Love Allah 328:
Forever Muslim 93:

Other than that, I also wants to share a few local Muslim speakers based on their youtube channel.

Dr. Zaharuddin:
TH Filem:

There are so many Muslim speakers in Malaysia and other countries but they don't have an official youtube channel, most of their talks are uploaded by other person such as:

Sheikh Maulana Habib Al-Jufri (one of the true descendants of our Prophet)
Brother Shah Kirit
Ustaz Don
Ustaz Abdullah Khairi
Ustaz Kazim Elias
Ustaz Harussani
Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man
Ustaz Nasaruddin
Ustaz Zahazan
Dr. Zakir Naik
Allahyarham Habib Munzir
and many more.

Actually I want to share a few Maulana Maulana names here but I decided not to because some of them had warned people who wants listen to his talk to not take any picture or make any audio recording for the talk, I'm sure they have their own reason for that. Maybe readers thinking that why not I just share their names isn't? Even I share their names here, you can only find a few talk from them if you're lucky. There are plenty numbers of Islamic youtube channel available on youtube, depends on ourselves whether to click on the title and find it or just ignore them.

Oh! Before I forgot, today I watched one of the MTAS video regarding the Niqab. Yeah I don't want to explain about Niqab actually, maybe some of you might disagree about the practice of Niqab in Malaysia but it's okay, everyone have their own reason. Just watch this video on how they try to spread the practice of Niqab in Malaysia.

I'm a man and I'm touched watching the video. A bit shame to admit that when I watch it suddenly my eyes burst into tears when I saw even the free hair woman tried to test how to wear a Niqab, I guess she is a non-Muslim, a white people with a brown hair. Anyway, even if she is a non-Muslim at least she tried to look like a Muslim thou, wear like a Muslim, and some of the woman who came to the booth also shed a tears. They make every effort to spread the Niqab culture among Malaysian people. I'm so proud of MTAS and the group of women who conduct the Niqab experience on the street. This is the video I said about, please watch!

This is a woman scenario, but for me, I had experienced many times lives in a scenario where people around me wearing Jubah or Kurta, with the fragrances of Minyak Attar, it feels so calm. It feels so warm to have such kind of people around me, and I can imagine how woman will feels when they also having a scenario like me, which is such kind women with women and men with men. I bet you will having a good life if you got a friends like that.
"Sejuk Mata Memandang"
Plus with a Nur from their faces because of the Solah and the effects of Wudhu', whooo I really eager to tell my experience but reading and the feels in the real situation is a huge different. Try it guys! Whoever read my blog, I'm sorry to tell you all this story, I just feels happy to share my experience lives with such good people, I'm hoping you got the experience more than me in the future. Actually I just planning to share the link above, but this is looks like too long for this entry, nevermind at least I can tell you about the Niqab and my experience.

"Hai orang-orang mukmin, jika kamu menolong (agama) Allah, niscaya Dia akan menolongmu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu." (Muhammad 47:7)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Integrity and Ethics

Both meaning of integrity and ethics are from Wikipedia. Even though Wikipedia is deemed as untrusted because anyone can alter the information there, but I still can get some ideas from the meaning of integrity and ethics from the Wikipedia. I'm not only search the meaning through one source thou, I also go for other sources to get better understanding of the meaning from words "Integrity and Ethics".

Okay, before I search for both words in Wikipedia, I can understand the general meaning of integrity as discipline while ethics as a rules and regulations made by human to make sure have a good manner.

Based on my prior knowledge, I said integrity as discipline because I am a police cadet during my secondary school which is the Motto for Police Cadet is Quality, Integrity and one more I forgot but, the one I remember was Integrity. FYI, I'm very interested in marching and I enter the marching competition until the level state since my school is the one that conquer this competition at district level. Btw, back to the main point, the reason why I said integrity as discipline is because in the Police Cadet, I had been taught many things especially regarding disciplines and our Sub-Inspector, the one who has the highest level of rank in Police Cadet for secondary school level always reminded us to be punctual and be disciplined such as comes early for training, always tidy and etc. He also reminds us about the integrity regarding the disciplines of ourselves and the commitment to improve the quality of police squad in any marching competition. Then I guess that's it for integrity since I have less knowledge about the integrity but I got the main idea what the meaning of integrity is after searching over internet.

Next is ethics. Actually this is a common word that has been heard since we are still kids and the word ethics can be seen at so many places, such as the mural at the school's walls, and at the advertising and so on. Okay what I understand about ethics is rules and regulations made by human to make sure our human behaviour is well mannered. Well that is from my understanding which is when someone said that we have an ethics or not that means I understand people asking about either we are a person who follow rules or not. Whatever the meaning is ethics is something good and related to human behaviour which is obviously a good behaviour. That's all I can say about ethics and both are my opinion about those two words which is:
"Integrity and Ethics"

Monday, October 6, 2014

οικογένεια . ครอบครัว . 가족 . гэр бүл . الأسرة . KELUARGA . FAMILY .

From Left: Mom, Nisah, Talhah, Dad.
(Beruas, Perak - 4th Syawal 1435H)
This picture was taken during Eidulfitri 1435H, my family celebrated it without me and without my two big bros because the three of us was at somewhere else “pergi mengaji agama”. But then Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah we can manage altogether celebrate Eiduladha 1435H at Ipoh.

1 Syawal 1434H
My father’s name is Abdul Aziz bin Mohamed Yusof and he was born at Beruas, Perak on 2nd June 1964. I’m calling him dad, my close relatives at Beruas calling him as Pakcik, my close relatives at Paloh call him as Cik Aziz and his friends call him as Boss (for subordinates) or Hj.Aziz. My father have 9 siblings and my father is seventh out of 9, actually the two eldest siblings died at the very young age, otherwise it could be 11 siblings. Currently my father works as a government servant as an engineer at JPS Ipoh. Yeah like everyone would say their father is the best father in the world, same goes to me, I will say my father is the best dad in the world because I only have one father and I am really grateful, thanks to Allah I was born in a family that live in “suasana agama” everyday. Since I was a kid, my father taught me how to recite al-Quran and Alhamdulillah I can read al-Quran at the age of 7. My father still maintain the old ways of teaching his sons and following the guide of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H where using “rotan” to teach us. I guess I am the only one yang kena rotan paling banyak sekali because I am the naughtiest sons. Again, Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah I became the person who I am right now because of all the effects of “sebatan” and until right now, the scars still left on my body. I Love You Dad!

From left : Mak, Mak Ngah, CIk TT.
My mother’s name is Siti Mawar binti Sufaat and she was born at Paloh, Johor on 6th July 1968. I’m calling him Mak only, my close relatives at Paloh and Beruas call her as Cik Wawa and Makcik respectively. Well, my mom is the best mom in the world. She is only works as a housewife at home and makes side income by taking care of baby of a working woman. Currently at Ipoh my mom only babysitting one only and her name is Imani, before this my mom had babysit 5 baby at maximum and that was when I lived in Putrajaya on year 2003-2005. My mom is no difference with my dad in term of teaching her sons and daughter which is using “rotan” as punishment for our mistake. Oh! I forgot to mention, picture in the right side is my mom and her twin, and in the between is my Mak Ngah, or my mom call her as Kak Nor, she is a muallaf convert from Buddha to Islam. My mother’s twin’s name is Siti Melati. Why Siti Melati and Siti Mawar? Actually when they were born, my mom’s face was covered in red look while my mom’s twin’s face covered with white look. So because of my grandmother loves flower so much then my mom’s name is Mawar because as red as Mawar flower while my mom’s twin is Melati because as white as Melati flower. Somewhat I am always confused which one is my mom when they together, their dresses are equally alike, well that shows the strong bond between their relationships. However, that kind of mistake only happens when I was a child where I can’t differentiate which one my mom or which one isn't. Alright can you guess which one is my mom based on my family's picture? Actually the woman at the left is my lovely beautiful mom.

Friday, October 3, 2014


A Great Words Comes From A Great Scholar

Every time people ask a question to me regarding my future, my brain suddenly stop thinking, it is something like I don’t know what my future is. Actually I have planned what I will be in the next 5 years but sometimes what I already planned doesn’t always happens the way I wanted it happens.

Okay this is the flow of what I have planned to do for the next 5 years:

Currently studying BBA in Islamic Banking
Graduated From UiTM Merbok (July 2016)
Enter Job World

Yeah it seems like no future isn’t? Actually for the next five years I didn’t plan too well because I only use my five years planning as a stepping stone for my real plan which is for the next 10 years and the next 20 years.

Okay let me tell you my real ambition is. I want to become a Syariah Advisor in Islamic Banking system or maybe Islamic Financial system since the demand for Islamic Banking system is high even the other countries search for expertise in Islamic Banking system from Malaysia. So what will I do right now is learning about the Islamic Banking first then I planned after I graduated I will enter the job market and pursue my second degree in Syariah by distance learning. I was informed by my lecturer that I must have my second degree in Syariah in order to be a Syariah Advisor.

Basically that was my planning for my career, but what about my planning for my family? Hee. I didn’t plan on getting married in the next five years but if Allah had decided for me to marry in the 5 years period then Alhamdullillah Thumma AlhamdulillahSyukur. So maybe I will start looking for my spouse. Okay that’s it, nonsense.

As for my free time actually there is no free time, seriously. Everyday new assignments keep coming and sometimes tests and quizzes, for me there is no free time. However, I will relax for a while with movies and hang out with friends, talking, change fun stories and etc. Other than that for my “rohani” I will do my daily Ibadah which are pray, recite Quran, attend Kuliyyah and also watching powerful reminder from Muslim speaker on Youtube or from my keep.

Readers! Please pay attention! Never planning on how to achieve success only in this world, but also planning on how to achieve success eternity, do not ever forget the life of Hereafter. So what are your planning to get Blessing from Allah S.W.T.?
[Ask yourself]

I always heard people saying that as a student we don’t have much time to learn about Islam, and so on so for. Oh really? Are you really have no time for Islam? Ibadah? Even I am studying Islamic Banking there are few subjects related to Islam, but is it enough? I’m telling you, those Islamic subject I learn such as Usul Fiqh, Fiqh Muamalat, Arabic language and Islamic Theology for this semester is not enough with the condition of this Dunya, where “zaman fitnah berleluasa”, go find extra classes for your own good. Find the Blessing of Allah while we are still breathing and before the day of great destruction comes.

“Yaumul Qiyamah”

Never let Dunya deceives you with the technologies, money, and etc. Even the person who already enters Paradise of Allah feels regret of having less one Subhanallah, because the value of one Subhanallah separate huge differences with the level of Paradise to the person who exceeds one Subhanallah.

“Ambillah segala macam kemewahan dan kenikmatan didunia ini, akan tetapi jangan pernah memasukkan semua itu kedalam hati, kelak ia akan membinasakan kita.”