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Monday, October 6, 2014

οικογένεια . ครอบครัว . 가족 . гэр бүл . الأسرة . KELUARGA . FAMILY .

From Left: Mom, Nisah, Talhah, Dad.
(Beruas, Perak - 4th Syawal 1435H)
This picture was taken during Eidulfitri 1435H, my family celebrated it without me and without my two big bros because the three of us was at somewhere else “pergi mengaji agama”. But then Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah we can manage altogether celebrate Eiduladha 1435H at Ipoh.

1 Syawal 1434H
My father’s name is Abdul Aziz bin Mohamed Yusof and he was born at Beruas, Perak on 2nd June 1964. I’m calling him dad, my close relatives at Beruas calling him as Pakcik, my close relatives at Paloh call him as Cik Aziz and his friends call him as Boss (for subordinates) or Hj.Aziz. My father have 9 siblings and my father is seventh out of 9, actually the two eldest siblings died at the very young age, otherwise it could be 11 siblings. Currently my father works as a government servant as an engineer at JPS Ipoh. Yeah like everyone would say their father is the best father in the world, same goes to me, I will say my father is the best dad in the world because I only have one father and I am really grateful, thanks to Allah I was born in a family that live in “suasana agama” everyday. Since I was a kid, my father taught me how to recite al-Quran and Alhamdulillah I can read al-Quran at the age of 7. My father still maintain the old ways of teaching his sons and following the guide of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H where using “rotan” to teach us. I guess I am the only one yang kena rotan paling banyak sekali because I am the naughtiest sons. Again, Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah I became the person who I am right now because of all the effects of “sebatan” and until right now, the scars still left on my body. I Love You Dad!

From left : Mak, Mak Ngah, CIk TT.
My mother’s name is Siti Mawar binti Sufaat and she was born at Paloh, Johor on 6th July 1968. I’m calling him Mak only, my close relatives at Paloh and Beruas call her as Cik Wawa and Makcik respectively. Well, my mom is the best mom in the world. She is only works as a housewife at home and makes side income by taking care of baby of a working woman. Currently at Ipoh my mom only babysitting one only and her name is Imani, before this my mom had babysit 5 baby at maximum and that was when I lived in Putrajaya on year 2003-2005. My mom is no difference with my dad in term of teaching her sons and daughter which is using “rotan” as punishment for our mistake. Oh! I forgot to mention, picture in the right side is my mom and her twin, and in the between is my Mak Ngah, or my mom call her as Kak Nor, she is a muallaf convert from Buddha to Islam. My mother’s twin’s name is Siti Melati. Why Siti Melati and Siti Mawar? Actually when they were born, my mom’s face was covered in red look while my mom’s twin’s face covered with white look. So because of my grandmother loves flower so much then my mom’s name is Mawar because as red as Mawar flower while my mom’s twin is Melati because as white as Melati flower. Somewhat I am always confused which one is my mom when they together, their dresses are equally alike, well that shows the strong bond between their relationships. However, that kind of mistake only happens when I was a child where I can’t differentiate which one my mom or which one isn't. Alright can you guess which one is my mom based on my family's picture? Actually the woman at the left is my lovely beautiful mom.

He is my eldest brother, his name is Mohammad Izzuddin bin Abdul Aziz. He is 25 years old, was born at Kuala Lumpur on 27th August 1989. At the age of 21 years old, he graduated at Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Diploma in Civil Engineering. After graduated, he didn't want to continue for degree program and currently he works as site supervisor at Pekan, Pahang. Before this he works as site supervisor at Damansara but after the construction of Shell oil station was finished then his boss offered him to become a site supervisor for a project to build a big church and then he directly refuse the offer and because of that he was unemployed for almost 5 months. However, even he was unemployed but Alhamdulillah in the 5 month period he spent his time learning about Islam “mengaji agama” and travel oversea just for that purpose. I salute my big bro for doing so, even some of my relatives saying bad things because of the decision my brother made but still, I’m proud of him. Anyway, he is single and my mother said to him last month if I’m not mistaken, my mom says to him “lepas ni kerja fikir nak kahwin pulak ye”, and after he heard that, he just smiling because my mom said out a loud in front of our close relatives from Paloh. So I guess in a few years time, I will get sister-in-law perhaps. Lastly, I call him Abang and we all do call him Abang.

Nisah and Opal
This one is my second brother, I just call him Opal and most people call him Opal actually. His real name is Mohamad Naufal bin Abdul Aziz, he is 22 years old, just one year older than me. He was born on 30th March 1992 at Kuala Lumpur as well. Basically, he is a shy person but in my family I can say that he is the second closest to my mom after Nisah. Currently he works as a cashier at Mydin supermarket at Meru, Ipoh and just works there for three weeks I guess. He actually is a student of UniMAP, graduated Diploma in Mechatronic a year ago then he continue his study at INSTEP for one year training, one of PETRONAS training place to get certificate, that place is more like Giat MARA but this one is belongs to PETRONAS and for engineering students only. Well after a year training, he successfully certificated by INSTEP and still waiting for job offer from PETRONAS, for his course is more to off-shore jobs. For your information, there are so many person at Mydin saying that he is from Nepal, because of his looks and sometimes do mistakes as a cashier, he is not interested that job but while waiting for the job offer in six month, he can’t just sitting duck at home doing nothing. Well, he is a kind person, caring and sometimes naughty but I’m even bad than him. Emm I can say that he is not a single anymore because he keep saying that he wants to get married at the age of 25 years old, it seems like he has a clear vision about marriage. By the way, good luck with that, Opal!


Muhammad Talhah bin Abdul Aziz. My younger brother, he is 4th out of 5 siblings. Was born on 19th June 1996 at Kuala Lumpur so that makes him 18 years old. Currently he is studying foundation in engineering technology at College MARA, Kuala Nerang. In my family, I can say that he is the most intelligence siblings because of major examination results. Well he got UPSR 5A’s, PMR 8A’s and SPM 7A’s. I don’t know his results for the first semester at MARA College since he just finished his exam and currently he got 1 month holiday while waiting for his result. I bet he can’t beat my 4.00 pointer in my Diploma level. Okay no Riya’, Astaghfirullahalazim. He is a steady boy, when my mom asks him to do something he will do it slowly and steady. Even when my mom had scold him for being late of anything he still shows his steady face to my mom. Anyway, I just call him as Ha, but some of his friends call him as Tal and Talhah. Emm nothing to say about him anymore. Proceed with the next one, my youngest sister.
The youngest one, her name is Intan Hanisah binti Abdul Aziz, now he is 14 years old. The only female in my siblings, having 4 brothers without sister so she always get close to my mom and share everything to her. So sad for her because of no sister he have to live with all boys, that makes her looks like boy sometimes but still she can maintain her female act. Hehehe. Okay in my family she is the one who helps my mom at the kitchen, while the other boys do nothing at the kitchen. Haha. This eiduladha, she is the one helps mom so much in preparing the dishes, thank you Nisah! Yes I call her Nisah, her friends call her as Intan. I do like to call her Nisah by the way. Okay that’s all for my family, tired of typing and thinking about all family members. I guess I want to tell you more about my family but I am so lazy to type anymore. Sometimes I really need to differentiate between lazy and tired -_-

With cousins at Paloh, Johor - My mother's big family
My father's siblings - Paksu is missing in this picture
Close relatives at Beruas, Perak - My father's big family

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