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Friday, October 3, 2014


A Great Words Comes From A Great Scholar

Every time people ask a question to me regarding my future, my brain suddenly stop thinking, it is something like I don’t know what my future is. Actually I have planned what I will be in the next 5 years but sometimes what I already planned doesn’t always happens the way I wanted it happens.

Okay this is the flow of what I have planned to do for the next 5 years:

Currently studying BBA in Islamic Banking
Graduated From UiTM Merbok (July 2016)
Enter Job World

Yeah it seems like no future isn’t? Actually for the next five years I didn’t plan too well because I only use my five years planning as a stepping stone for my real plan which is for the next 10 years and the next 20 years.

Okay let me tell you my real ambition is. I want to become a Syariah Advisor in Islamic Banking system or maybe Islamic Financial system since the demand for Islamic Banking system is high even the other countries search for expertise in Islamic Banking system from Malaysia. So what will I do right now is learning about the Islamic Banking first then I planned after I graduated I will enter the job market and pursue my second degree in Syariah by distance learning. I was informed by my lecturer that I must have my second degree in Syariah in order to be a Syariah Advisor.

Basically that was my planning for my career, but what about my planning for my family? Hee. I didn’t plan on getting married in the next five years but if Allah had decided for me to marry in the 5 years period then Alhamdullillah Thumma AlhamdulillahSyukur. So maybe I will start looking for my spouse. Okay that’s it, nonsense.

As for my free time actually there is no free time, seriously. Everyday new assignments keep coming and sometimes tests and quizzes, for me there is no free time. However, I will relax for a while with movies and hang out with friends, talking, change fun stories and etc. Other than that for my “rohani” I will do my daily Ibadah which are pray, recite Quran, attend Kuliyyah and also watching powerful reminder from Muslim speaker on Youtube or from my keep.

Readers! Please pay attention! Never planning on how to achieve success only in this world, but also planning on how to achieve success eternity, do not ever forget the life of Hereafter. So what are your planning to get Blessing from Allah S.W.T.?
[Ask yourself]

I always heard people saying that as a student we don’t have much time to learn about Islam, and so on so for. Oh really? Are you really have no time for Islam? Ibadah? Even I am studying Islamic Banking there are few subjects related to Islam, but is it enough? I’m telling you, those Islamic subject I learn such as Usul Fiqh, Fiqh Muamalat, Arabic language and Islamic Theology for this semester is not enough with the condition of this Dunya, where “zaman fitnah berleluasa”, go find extra classes for your own good. Find the Blessing of Allah while we are still breathing and before the day of great destruction comes.

“Yaumul Qiyamah”

Never let Dunya deceives you with the technologies, money, and etc. Even the person who already enters Paradise of Allah feels regret of having less one Subhanallah, because the value of one Subhanallah separate huge differences with the level of Paradise to the person who exceeds one Subhanallah.

“Ambillah segala macam kemewahan dan kenikmatan didunia ini, akan tetapi jangan pernah memasukkan semua itu kedalam hati, kelak ia akan membinasakan kita.”

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